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Just Jibes

I need to lean forward more.

[flv: 480 352]

Site: Coyote Point
Thanks for the comments!

9 replies on “Just Jibes”

Nice vids. Do you have a web page with your hardware specs? I’d love to get some video while sailing.

BTW, the video doesn’t play well on my G4 iBook. It’s pretty choppy. Is this a Mac thing or just a symptom of my underpowered laptop?


I notice that your new green helmet matches your SF. That, sir, is a fashion statement if ever I’ve seen one!

I knew you would notice! I was debating whether to put on white gloves that day – I really should have! 🙂

you’re sail flip is so classy. thanks for the unique perspective. i want gybes that look this good!!

Thanks – wide angle makes it looks better, moving faster, than it is 🙂

Can you show how you mounted the camera to the front of the board? A pic would help.

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