[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080427.mp4 480 360]
Sunday April 27th

[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080427.mp4 480 360]
Yes, I sailed on nuclear Saturday. No I didn’t film, afraid to puncture the sail, as happened once already. At the end (3 reaches) I still made a hole in it, but I doubt I would think of aiming the camera that day 🙂
This is the day after, laid back and comfortable on 5.8 (if you don’t count frostbitten fingers).
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080420.mp4 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
Thanks for the comments!
Despite short but frequent lulls, a very nice Coyote day, for most of us, anyway (March 23).
Urgent! – donations needed for continued Coyote Point windsurfing launch site access!
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080323.mp4 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
Thanks for the comments!
Urgent! – donations needed for continued Coyote Point windsurfing launch site access!
[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/coyote-080323-mark-vulcan.mp4 640 480]
(actually, he was going for a Spock, I stand corrected)
Site: Coyote Point
Thanks for the comments!
March 8th, fellow sailors showed up in record numbers, so despite 58 (not-yet-60) degrees water we call it a season! Urgent! – donations needed for continued Coyote Point windsurfing launch site access!
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080308.mp4 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
Thanks for the comments!
A single-minded video set in spring chocolate.
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-080301.mp4 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point – Urgent! – donations needed for continued Coyote Point windsurfing launch site access!
Thanks for the comments!
Sure, sailing in winter won’t make it shorter, but it is an incredible pastime nevertheless!
Site: Half Moon Bay Harbor
A little bit of everything today – WNW, WSW, flat water, washboard chop, high wind, no wind. Thanks goes to Caurus and Africus, for the opportunity.
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-070930h.mp4 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
These rollers just won’t let you go …
Site: Upper Kanaha, Maui
I stayed here and rented the gear here.
“Palo Alto is all flatwater sailing, lots of beginners”. Yep. Sure.
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/pao-070805.flv 480 360]
Site: Palo Alto