More of the “many suspicious characters from the Bay area”, up close and personal.
[flv: 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
Skipper Me Willies!

More of the “many suspicious characters from the Bay area”, up close and personal.
[flv: 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point
Or the first 15 minutes of it as the cam paused during one of the wipeouts 🙁 I really should have been sail and board size down that day.
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Site1: Haskins
Site2: 3rd Avenue
I wish I could have sailed more…, but every day sailing is a great day sailing, and two is even better. June 30th and July 1st.
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Site: Coyote Point
A horizontal movement of any weather condition by the movement of air. For example along the West Coast summer fog occurs when warmer moist air moves over the cold upwelled waters near shore.
Video-stabilized version – please comment which one is better – stabilized or the gritty original: [removed]
Site: Coyote Point
Wind ranging from 10 to 32 in 16-mile gusts; reaches across the chop – interesting.
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Site: Coyote Point
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Videojibe TV has traded 15-mile gusts at Coyote for a mellow Alameda afternoon. Race sails rock – you’ve got to love the workout, though.
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Site: Alameda
Sun 3rd and Sat 9th. Pretty interesting wind both times.
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Site: Coyote Point
Nicely powered day (thanks to John for sail tip), a lot of moves worked, but many didn’t 🙂
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