Or the first 15 minutes of it as the cam paused during one of the wipeouts 🙁 I really should have been sail and board size down that day.
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-070707.flv 480 360]
Site1: Haskins
Site2: 3rd Avenue
Haskins to 3rd Downwinder

4 replies on “Haskins to 3rd Downwinder”
Glad you guys had a great time! At 2:52 on your video you can see the reason I wasn’t able to join you. I think I’ll set up a helmetcam for his next bicycle adventure. 🙂
He doesn’t fall as much as you…but he still has training wheels!
I wish I had training wheels that day 🙂 So I would not have to do “re-enactments” on an Ezzy, no less.
What type of video camera are you using?
Looks like videos and windsurfing could lead to all kinds of mischief
There are improvements to cam mount and mic amp setup that I need to photo.