I caught the bug and so now I have to do this all the time.
Tag: eating it
Stinking Overpowered
Gusts 22-40, and stink from Pillar Point #8 (Maverick’s Parking)
Site: Half Moon Bay harbor
Thanks for the comments!
I finally paid a visit to the awe-inspiring site to be respected. Libretto is here and here (I was way overpowered on the outside, though):
It was well worth it, 3hrs of traffic, mental blocks and all.
Site: Crissy Field
ABK Camp Crashes
Warning – the only guy who completes a move in this video is Andy. The rest are carefully preselected splash sequences.
Site: The Access
Thanks for the comments!

Deceptive winter wind pattern, never mind the date. Got stuck waterstarting on the outside with some chop and little wind. Then it came up with a vengeance, I could only get couple of reaches with the kit that I rigged. Hey, it’s spring now and there are no excuses to keep sails dry anymore!
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/oyster-080301.mp4 640 352]
Site: Oyster Point
Thanks for the comments!
Haskins to 3rd Downwinder

Or the first 15 minutes of it as the cam paused during one of the wipeouts 🙁 I really should have been sail and board size down that day.
[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/coyote-070707.flv 480 360]
Site1: Haskins
Site2: 3rd Avenue
Video-stabilized version – please comment which one is better – stabilized or the gritty original: [removed]
Site: Coyote Point
Waltzing Through the Jibes

[flv:https://videojibe.com.s3.amazonaws.com/waltzingjibes.flv 480 360]
Site: Coyote Point